Sunday, 5 May 2013


Why do people charge more for weddings?

A common topic happening in the wedding industry is that  people are asking the question why do you charge more when we mention the word wedding.

Well at Canberra DJ Hire  we can only speak on behalf of the entertainment industry and there may be some other entertainers that may not agree.

When we take a booking for a function we treat all function equal how ever, if we entertain a birthday party or an engagement we do less preparation and less running around, and less experience is required than what we do for a wedding.

The average hours we do for a 5 hour function is a total of about 12 hours (based on minimal equipment), for a 5 hour wedding we spend between 11 and 17 hours and this includes prep time and much more. We need to source the music, familiarise ourselves with running sheet to name a few.
There is also the added pressure of a wedding function as everything must be right as you cant just re do the event, that where experience counts.

In our business we spend a lot of time getting to know the Bride and Groom and we offer a lot of extras as well that incur a cost to us, the key for us is to make the difference and create an event that is nothing like any other you have been to, after all every wedding is unique.

So next time when you hear that people are charging more for weddings you now may have a little bit more understanding of why.

Remember to drink lots of water.relax and enjoy every moment of your special day and night.

Canberra DJ Hire

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